Turn, turn, turn for better compost Compost is that wonderful combination of microscopic mineral particles and decomposed organic material that makes your garden thrive. Composting is what gardeners do to control, or assist the naturally occurring decaying of organic matter. In the forest, leaves, plants, fruits and nuts, animal waste and other organic matter decay
Benefits of composting with drum composters
Healthier soil, better plants and contributing to a natural environment are all benefits of making compost with a Mantis Compostumber Compost makes hard clay soil more airy so it drains better and provides a healthier base for the roots of plants. Your own home-made compost is completely safe and natural and won’t harm children, pets,
Winter Composting
Winter Composting with the Mantis ComposTumblers Although quick hot composting relies on average temperatures usually found in the spring season onwards, it may be possible to achieve a degree of cold composting through the winter season. Is Composting possible in winter? Normal Hot Composting in a Mantis ComposTumbler requires an average daily temperature above 5c,