A beautiful vegetable garden not suffering from drought – © jardins-familiaux.asso.fr The presence of water and accompanying nutrients is vital to all living beings, whether humans, animals or plants. However, too much or too little of anything can be harmful. In this first article on water management, we will look at some simple solutions to better
Are you familiar with green manures? They are part of a large family of manures and can be used to cover the soil in winter or planted in fallow croplands during other seasons. Green manures have numerous and interesting benefits for the vegetable garden all across its life cycle. Let’s learn everything about them! THE
After a long, hot summer, your lawn is noticeably suffering. The once green carpet has lost its colour or has dried out. The only green patches still visible are weeds, dandelions and clovers… Luckily, there are a few simple things to do to bring your lawn back to life! Get rid of the weeds! Removing
Winter is the perfect season to store your Mantis away until the new season. Storing your machine is as simple as important to make sure your tiller keeps on starting straight off next spring and for the years to come. The steps are exactly the same whether you have a 2-stroke or a 4-stroke tiller.
Get your seeds ready for the season!
Spring is gently coming but it is still too early to put your gloves and rubber boots on and start a gardening session outside. Don’t worry, there is always something to do before the upcoming planting season. For example, it is the right time to check your seeds and make sure they will sprout. Maybe
Get a jump on your garden this spring
Unless you grow only one or two vegetables, or grow the same thing every year, some planning will help you have a better garden this year. Even a little bit of planning will help you save time, save money, and get off to a really good start. 1. Start with a general list of what you
3 essential reasons to indulge in gardening
And if the quest for happiness was simpler than it seems? And if this one was waiting for us, right there, behind the window? Yes, in the garden, this space within reach that only expects one thing, that you take care of it. Here are the 3 essential reasons to go green… 1. Eat
Gardening Benefits
Gardening Benefits Your Wallet and Your Health Grow What You’ll Eat The USDA estimates that every 100 spent on vegetable gardening can yield 1,000 to 1,700 worth of produce. Examples: Tomatoes a packet (10 seeds) of Big Beef Hybrid tomato seeds costs 1.99. If you start 10 seeds, and plant the 5 healthiest seedlings, the
Create a Garden
How to create a garden with the Mantis Tiller With the Mantis Tiller, you will discover just how easy, and fulfilling it is to create your very own vegetable or flower garden that you and your family can enjoy year after year! Step 1 Pick an area and stake it out. Use the optional Border